Hottest year during Pandemic

If 2020 wasn’t bad enough, it has a 36% chance of being the hottest year on record! With temperatures in Death Valley potentially being the hottest of all-time and July recorded as the hottest in the east coast for seven states, there’s no doubt you may experience sweltering conditions.

Here’s what you need to do to stay cool.


Install Air Conditioning Unit

There are tons of ways to stay cool without one, but an AC unit is the most effective way to regulate your body temperature. The upfront cost may be a little steep, yet it pays itself off over a few years. Plus, maintenance issues are relatively easy to fix. Whether you must replace the AC cooling mechanism or repair the duct system, you can use your warranty or YouTube videos for DIY purposes.


Replace Your Furnace

Your furnace may still work, but does it work efficiently? Lots of traditional elements cause the temperature to rise since they give off hot air. To replace the central unit is essential if your boiler is inefficient. Of course, you can use aluminum foil to reflect the rays into the tank and insulate the pipes. These are excellent tips for the summer as well as the winter.


Detect Leaks

Sadly, your home may leak energy and increase the temperature under your nose. With a leak detection service, you can ensure your AC unit is operating at max capacity and isn’t blowing minimal cold air or hot air into your home.


Do you have any questions? You should contact us right away and speak to a dedicated and knowledgeable advisor.



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